Minggu, 20 November 2016

5 Tips to Make You Lose Weight the Hate Sports

You Lose Weight

How many times in the past year you're trying to lose weight? Often do we have any intention to lose weight. However, in reality we can not implement the plan that we have created. Ah, the woman sometimes so easy to give up too easily even when not start doing something.

Actually, the most basic tips to lose weight is to exercise regularly and maintain your diet. Only sometimes because of busy and other things, so we do not have time to exercise. Even so hated sports. If you have this, what should be done?

If you hate sports but want to successfully lose weight, try the tips below. If you can do it with a regular, deh sure you'll get your ideal body.

1. Eat Slowly and Chew
Did you know that eating too quickly can actually increase your appetite? Finally, we are so overfed, satiety, and the number of calories in the body was so excessive. So, eat slowly and chew your food, Ladies. So you can better control your appetite.

2. Do not eat in front of TV, Computer or Laptop
As reported by brightside.me, according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, food advertisements on television advertising in particular fast food can increase appetite. And if eating in front of a computer or laptop, so we do not pay attention to how much food they had entered into the body that can cause us overeating.

3. Keep the room air temperature
Better not make the room temperature is too warm or hot. Why? Because when the room is hot, our bodies no longer need to adjust and calories burned even fewer. Meanwhile, if the room temperature is rather cold, the body will tremble and skeletal muscles will contract to produce heat, so that it can burn more calories in the body.

4. Eat Yogurt and Nuts
According to research conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health, eating yogurt and nuts may impact more effective in weight loss long term compared to eat vegetables and fruits.
For you who like to eat spicy food, there is good news for you. So ya ya, eating spicy food can also be a way to lose weight. How come? Because spicy food can help facilitate the body's metabolic system. But it still should not be excessive yes. If excessive, you can get a stomachache or even diarrhea.

5. Drink Water
To prevent dehydration, keeping the appetite and accelerate metabolism, we need to meet the needs of fluids in the body. A clinical trial in a meeting of the American Chemical Society showed that drinking two glasses of water before a meal can help a person lose weight and prevent obesity.

Well, that was a number of other alternatives that can be tried to lose weight. Even so, should indeed still spend a little time for exercise. Exercise 30 minutes was going to greatly help your efforts to lose weight. Type of exercise also do not need a heavy-weight, it can be quite walk or jog.

Hopefully the above info helpful, yes! Stay healthy, Ladies!

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